"What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard for posterity."

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Another dream, another meaning

I had a dream - again. Papa came back. He was very alive. We were all rejoicing when he returned. Surreal, it was. He explained to me what happened on that day when we cried out loud on the morgue while holding him. "This is what happened" he said. "From afar, I could see you, Mama and my lifeless body." I asked him, "How do you see us Papa? Do you see everything around us?" My Papa responded, "No. When I see you, a circle of light surrounds you. I couldn't see the other objects around you. All I see are you and that light."

The next scene I was hugging my Papa as he sat on a couch. He was wearing a white shirt. I hugged him tightly. It's the warmth from an embrace that's more than the distance we had when we lost him. It's more than that. It's a mixture of happiness, fear of losing him again and gripping tightly onto him...

Alas, I woke up. And every piece of our life's longing for my Papa burst like tiny bubbles....

Is it the way my Papa explained what really happened? Did he do it to comfort me? Did he do it to assure me that he could see us anytime, that he is with us? Or again, it is just a product of my imagination? Only God knows....

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