This blog is lovingly created in memory of my late father, Rusty. From the day our Dear Lord called him home and during the times that he was with us, his memories of love, humor and generosity will continue to be cherished and will inspire us and our family's generations ahead. ♥♥♥ If you're a daddy's girl who have recently lost your dad, we may have not met, but the pain that we share could be the same, one way or another. May you find strength in this blog to face the beauty of life!

"What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard for posterity."
Monday, May 20, 2013
My Parents' First Wedding Anniversary Without Papa
Oh boy, I know this year of 2013 will surely include a lot of firsts without Papa. First New Year without him. First Valentine's Day without him. First birthday of ours without him. First Mother's Day without him. But I know, for my Mama, the most painful would be their first wedding anniversary WITHOUT Papa.
Last May 19, 2013 was their 37th Wedding Anniversary. My Mama was in Leyte having some paperworks done with regards to the properties left by Papa. Ate Lita was also there to accompany her. My siblings and I were all here in Manila. We've decided to visit Papa's resting place and spend some time there for the occasion. Nothing grandiose whatsoever, as Mama plans to have another celebration when she gets back here in Manila. Nevertheless, we still decided to buy a cake to celebrate that day. Bringing a whole Goldilocks chocolate cake roll and a 2 Liter Coke zero to Heaven's Gate. Offering a prayer for Papa, greeting him and just had a good chit-chat with hubby and Kuya Eric. Solenn and Skylar also had fun playing with each other.
37 years of marriage is indeed something and we would want to honor them for being a good example in being true to the words uttered in front of God on their wedding day, "Till death do us part.". My parents' marriage was never a perfect one, as with any type of relationships. Their differences, age gap, decisions, preferences are just some of the few things that cause their numerous misunderstandings. But we grew up seeing them fight then reconcile. I've seen that they truly love each other, coz if they didn't, considering the fact that Papa has spent more time in Leyte than here in Manila, they wouldn't be as strong as the last time they were together. But their love for each other was what made them intact and what made our family overcome life's difficulties. It's just so sad that when my siblings and I are about to realize our dreams, Papa left us. I know Mama and Papa are both happy to see that all of us, including our spouses, having gained a good education and stable jobs, but it's something that still make my heart ache. I would still want to share my successes with them...
When I greeted my mom through a text message, she replied that she talked to Papa and greeted him too. She said that Papa might be happy that she's there in Leyte, taking care of his farm and crops... I know she didn't magnify that painful feeling of celebrating that day without Papa around from now on... I know she was on tears. She's a strong woman, my mom, willing to move on with her life carrying that void in her heart.... "Till death do they part" indeed.
Papa's Number 1 Interest: Derby or Cockfighting
If Papa had a Pinterest account, his board will surely include a lot of pics on cockfighting! :)
I know, I'm stating the obvious. But I sometimes feel like this is his first love! LOL. Well, of course I wouldn't think that he does, as I know, deep in my heart, our family comes first for him. But when we are talking about his love for a specific thing or interest, it's no doubt that cockfighting or derby has been his first love on this category.
I grew up seeing my Papa go to the weekly derby. He loves betting small amounts of money that he perhaps has saved from his daily earnings. He considers this as one of the things he argues with Mama before coz Mama wants him to put a halt on this type of interest. But it's easier said than done knowing the fact that Papa has first taken cared of a fighting cock when he was just 7 years old.
I think, if Papa was able to get a good education, he would choose one in line with the medical field. I grew up seeing him perform numerous surgeries to tons of his fighting cocks who apparently got lost while on the cockfight. Amazingly, the said fighting cocks survive and even made it to the succeeding fights. I remember holding the lampshade over the cock and curiously watching my Papa look more of a Veterinary Surgeon. Haha.
Our eldest is a dentist and I guess he's the only one who's not afraid of blood, surgery and all those stuff. And it's evident among us on where he got his guts and courage in facing those challenges in the medical industry- it's from Pops!
As with any type of gambling, my Papa had his wins and losses. But I could say that pretty much had much of the former. He's a very generous person and when he wins, I'm telling you, the people around him didn't have to ask for some money or "balato". If he was ready to share his blessings to his friends and relatives, he's much more ready to give a lot to us! He'd give us money, treat us out and some other things that make us have a good time.
Now, whenever I see a fighting cock, be it a real one or just a picture; a derby or anything related to it, the only thing I utter, whether silently or verbally, is "Papa"...
I miss you so much Papa...
fighting cocks,
My Father Ultimately Loved Cars
I couldn't deny the fact that Papa loves cars ever since. When Mama and Papa were still a newbie in terms of starting out our family, would you believe that they've got 3- and we were not even rich! I wasn't born yet during that time so my brothers were really luckier to have those wheels to travel a lot. When I was born and Papa was diagnosed with Diabetes, they have decided to sell the said cars. When I was 10, my parents bought a used Suzuki Super Carry. I won't forget those Popeye stickers on it! My Papa used the said vehicle for work. I recall those times that he'd bring "pasalubongs" and lots of fruits every night after work. Only goes to show that Papa was such a caring dad.
When Papa was in Leyte, he had a sports car customized that looked like a go kart! He also had a 3-wheel bicycle. It was pink and he was so proud when he showed it to me!
I do think that our love for vehicles is rooted to Papa's influence on us. When hubby and I worked abroad, we initially invested for an SUV for a transport business. My siblings have also chosen to buy their own cars when they were able to afford one. I guess Papa was amazed with the kind of taste my siblings have for cars- Ford Focus Hatchback 2010, Chevrolet Spark 2011 and a Mazda 3 2009.
I do believe that if Papa has funds he might have filled our garage with tons of cars in different shapes and sizes- be it an old school model, the latest race-car type or the one with odd features... Oh Pops...
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